Map My Goals Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy and NLP Practitioner

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MUMS Where are YOU on your list of things to do?

What do you have planned that you are looking forward to?

Girls Night Out? Holiday? Theatre Show? Regular Dance Class?

Putting YOU at the top of the list is not selfish it's smart! If you are not planning in time for yourself then YOU believe your not important. This may be contributing to your mindset. We have to change that mindset right now, today! There are so many benefits associated with doing things for yourself and planning ahead including increased feelings of optimism, a reason to feel grateful and feeling in charge of your destiny. A healthy sense of anticipation can also keep us motivated at work and get us through the harder days. I have just booked a girls holiday to Vietnam for a friends 50th and so excited. Previous girls holidays I was pregnant or just having a baby so its been so many years since I have had this fabulous luxury.